Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today's Beauty Standards are Helping Society

       We know that fashion and beauty has been in the past a disaster for people’s health, but that has changed; now beauty standards are actually helping society. It’s important to realize this since it’s a changed that remains unknown and it's actually making people more confident, and adopt a healthier lifestyle. It’s a fact that currently the media is accepting every type of person for movies, songs, and fashion, so if a “Standard” is “something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison”, then the beauty standard of today is actually to forget the norm and feel proud of what and who you are. The biggest example for this is that Vogue, and most magazines, said that “no more underage models or models with eating disorders”, also they have accepted plus and average models in the industry and even included them in the magazines covers saying "embrace your curves".

Without further ado, here's my blog about this delicate but real topic. Stay tuned, welcome and enjoy...
Jacquelyn Jablonski         Crystal Renn