Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Devil Wears Prada Presentation

The Devil Wears Prada

My Topic: Today's Beauty Standards are positive for society

Movie Challenged:

Movie Protagonists:

Andy (Anne Hathaway)

Miranda (Meryl Streep)


1. Beauty Standards (Society's point of beautiful) VS Fashion Standard (The art of clothing) (Read my post about this for more information)
*Scene: The belts
*Miranda sees the belts as pieces of art and sees differences between them.
*Andy sees the belts and laugh cause they are identical and useless (calls them "stuff")

2. Confidence is the real beauty standard of today.
*Scene: The Interview
*Miranda doesn't know anything about what she wants to work with but Miranda still hires her.
*She kept confident through the whole interview with gave her the job.
*Example: Girl or boy with confidence will always look pretty for society.
(Actress and model Naomi Grossman)
3. Fashion Standard's designers are still part of society and they know that a girl with confidence (no matter how she looks) is beautiful.
*Scene: The final wave
*Miranda smiles while in the taxi after Andy waved her goodbye.
(After this, Miranda miles and looks excited while in the taxi)
*She was confident and proud of herself and proved Miranda that that's the real beauty.
*Magazines and Celebrities are changing.

Imperfect is the new perfect; believe it!

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