For this post we're going to talk about the campaign or video that ha the fashion world trembling. People everywhere are talking about it since it's attacking one of the biggest companies in the world. Just with their slogan it's integring. What video is it? "I'm no angel" or better said "#ImNoAngel" campaign by Lane Bryant. Before I write my post on it, here is the video.
This video has caused tons of controversy. First of all, it's clearly challenging Victoria Secrets. If you haven't notice they aren't "angels", and "angels" are the VS models. It's surprinsing since VS is one of the biggest industries right now. But they have done it, and actually are succeding. And, not surprisingly, people are loving it. Many women are taking selfies with the hashtag and men are liking it as well. But swome people say that this video is "empowering the fat" or "skinny shamming". But, it's the contrary, their saying that their sexy because they feel sexy. It doesn't matter what size you are, you're sexy. If you're skinny, flaunt it. If you're a little bigger, flaunt it as well. Just be comfortable however you are. Thanks again!