Hello beautiful reader!
I've had this blog for sometime now, but I never really haven't told you guys the importance of the main topic of this blog. To be honest, I didn't know it until long research and social questionnaires. I've had to sty long hours reading opinions and scientific srticles about this. Not only that, but many "youtubers" have talked about this before. And the amazing conclusion of all this investigation is that plus models and today's confidence beauty standard is helping everyone of us to achieve self acceptance.
Self acceptance is nothing other than loving who you are, just like you are. When we accpet ourselves, our body feels more secure, more happy and more healthy. Like psychologists say; "if our mind is healthy, than our body is healthy".
The possitive impact is that by looking at plus girls in advertizements and seeing how famous they are getting, we care a bit less about "our imperfections". This applies to thin girls and big girls. So, this follows that you will start to be healthier without even noticing. When we feel confident, then we feel energized and can do more exercise. Our body feels fuller since we actually have less anxiety. And so on the positive cycle of health impacts us.
Not only that, but society is changing. We are finally starting to accept everyone by who they are. It doesn't atter if you're a size 2 or a size 22, we are all perfect and everyone has a good body. So just flaunt it and love what you're mama gave ya!
I'll be talking about this in a more detailed post later on. But this is a brief summary of the benefits of today's beauty standard (confidence). Thanks again!
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