This is my last post for my English class. But, I won't be forgetting this blog. The contrary; I'll be posting new information everytime I have an oportunity. I realy love this topic and I believe in it 100% as well. So, as my last assigment from the class, I have to post a summary of my Investigation about "The Benefits of Using Plus Models in Advertisements and Magazines". Here it is.
Summary of Final Project:
Plus models have been a pretty recent “boom” that has many people shocked and happy. In this practical and, a little, theoretical investigation we can find out what society thinks of plus models. With surveys, questionnaires, research and 3 interviews; the results were positives. People agree that beauty is what we see on the outside and they all believe plus models are positive for society. Even psiquiatrics agree that using plus models in advertisements and magazines will help society develop a sense of security and a self confidence that will lead to a healthy and happy life. As a conclusion, it’s important to say that society wants to see diversity in magazines and advertisements. This is a big step on finally reaching this equality in magazines, advertisements and beauty that will benefit society. Not only that, but this is proof that not all the changes that are happening in today’s society are bad. So, the standard of beauty of today is actually changing and positive for society. One just need to remember; “confident is the new sexy”.
Here's a pie chart discussing what people believe is the "real" beauty:
And that's it for today. Thanks again and stay beautiful!