Sunday, March 29, 2015

Leslie Dickley Essay and Costume

Hello beautiful reader!
Remember my character Leslie Dickley? Well I ad to make an expository essay about her. I decided to post it here since it has to do with this topic and I believe it could be entertaining to read.

Leslie Dickley, the voice of society in Pageants

Isn't disgusting to see a child being obligated to diet and dressed as an adult for competition? Of course it is, it’s against the morals and society’s standard of beauty. Well, in the show “Toddlers and Tiaras” there are women who are clear representations of this. But thankfully we have Leslie Dickley who is the voice of society by showing how this idea of beauty is not beautiful in the eyes of today’s society’s beauty standard.

First of all, who is this wonderful woman? Wendy Lee Dickley is a “momager” (as she calls herself) that believes that that beauty is to be proud of ourselves. Her little girl is the 14 year old model and actress Paisley Dickley. Not only that but also her sons are talented, Alex plays basketball and Austin is a racer. What’s really beautiful and good of this mother is that she reminds her children how amazing and proud she is of them every day. Also, she lets her children be children and has raised them as confident, smart and great human beings, which she believes is the real beauty of life. And just like today’s society’s beauty standard, self-acceptance and confidence is what makes us beautiful.

Thankfully, Dickley isn't blind by the overpowering idea of wanting her children to be famous. She is the only one that doesn't force her kids into doing things they don’t want to do. When it comes to the pageants, she claims that it’s the young girl’s idea to participate on these beauty pageants, and the child’s motivated and sparky voice agrees with this. Her beliefs are that the girl participates if she wants but her daughter will not be another typical pageant girl. She will eat McDonald's when necessary, she will have fun and just be a normal girl. This mother is proving that no makeup or fancy dress is needed to prove ones beauty. Her campaign is that children should be children, and society knows that it’s true.

Her effect on society is incredible. By only believing and showing that only confidence and awesome personality is what makes us beautiful and no makeup or special clothing is needed, society chooses them as fan favorite on every pageant or television show. She shows her beliefs about beauty with Paisley, since the girl participates as a real 14 year old with very little or no makeup. People love that about her, and even imitate her on local pageants to change the way we see the word “beauty”. Another thing she said that has made her famous is that “wrinkles and jiggles don’t stop you from being “sexy”. She followed by saying that everyone is perfect just the way they are, and it has helped many people accept themselves and forget that old standard that says that we had to reach “beauty perfection”. Everyone sees this as an inspiration and a “real person” on the fashion industry.

This woman doesn't believe in unreachable standards for her daughter or for anybody. It’s incredible how Leslie is being the voice of society in these pageants since she knows that turning her baby into a brainless fashion robot that only wants to keep “fixing” herself in order to be “perfect” is not beauty. The world comments on her webpage and Magazines speak to her since this simple action is making society believes in this as a Beauty Standard. This is real and achievable beauty all we have to do is believe in ourselves and be happy. Hopefully some of her realistic view will rub off on the other “momagers” of the other girls in beauty pageants and in the fashionistas, so they can realize what beauty really is.

Also, I had to do a play with her. I can't upload the script but I can upload a picture of me dressed as Mrs. Dickley. And here I am (obviously I'm wearing a wig and contacts, later on I may upload a picture of how I really look) :

Leslie Dickley and her description as an Imposter of Wendy Dickey.

Hello Beautiful Reader!
       For my English course, I had to take the topic of this blog and create an impostor of someones who ignores this topic completely. This was a pretty big challenge, but I ended up choosing the mom from Toddlers and Tiaras, Wendy Lee Dickey. I have nothing agaisnt her but, the truth is that she believes that "fashion" is beauty and that everyone should follow that. Also, she dressed little Paisley into a prostitute, so I could´t let her go. She was the best woman to make an impostor of, but I have to leave her essence.
Ok, this is how the original Wendy looks like:
       Now meet Leslie Dickley. She' s the awesome and only "normal" mom from Toddlers and Tiaras. Her piercing blue eyes and long blonde locks are one of the things that set her apart from the rest. But what is more important of Mrs. Dickley is that she's an example of how confidence makes us successful by being an awesome mother, a woman who defends self acceptance and she has an effect on people. 
      First of all, this woman is married to Link Dickley and has 2 sons and a daughter with him. These children are happy and successful at what they do. Alex and Austin are both active in sports. Alex does baseball and Austin is a racer. She also has Paisley, who is famous for being a model and singer. What sets her apart and makes her a role model is that she doesn't obligate this kids to be in extracurricular activities. She actually helps this kids, and remind them that the importance of life is to be happy and responsible. Her kids have said before that she never ignores them and always tells them how proud she is of them regularly. A very inspiring move that everyone should follow.
     Another thing that makes this woman special is all the things she has done to change what we know as "Beauty Pageants". Her daughter has participated in many of them, but she refuses to make her girl a walking mannequin with makeup. In fact, she has started campaigns to let "children be children" and has proven, with her little girl, that girls only need confidence in order to be pretty, because they are born beautiful. All parents have to do is build their confidence and respect their innocence. One should never dress up their children in outrageous costumes like prostitutes or sexy celebrities. Also, in an interview she said that "confidence is sexy and real beauty, and everyone should have one". 
     Not surprisingly, she has an effect on people. This message and campaigns have made people re-imagine how we see beauty. No makeup or fancy dresses are needed to be beautiful. Her quotes are very popular and, since her daughter participates like a normal girl, people have made them fan-favorite. People call them "inspiring", "cute" and "normal people in fashion". In other words, people love her.
      In the end, this lady doesn't know what she's doing. What I, as a person, love about her is that she doesn't abuse her children or believes makeup and spray tans are beauty. She believes that beauty is confidence and we should all follow her. But sadly, Leslie doesn't exist. But Wendy does and it will be fantastic if she could be more like this "alter ego".
Maybe someday we'll get news that this woman (Wendy) has changed and Paisley would be a free and normal child, not a "clown" like she calls herself. Only one can dream...

This is happening people!

Hello beautiful reader!

Some people been asking me for proof about the change of how we see "beauty". I can understand this because this change was really fast and came with the rise of plus models. So, I decided to give you some links of 5 amazing articles (all recent) about today's real beauty standard. So, again, here they are:

In this article their talking about how plus models are raising and changing the way we see beauty. Since Kate Moss, all models have been the same. Thin, tall, and long legs, but the beauty of this "plus" models is that they're all different. No model is the same than the other, and people love that. So much that they have become famous almost overnight. They also give us some information about the most popular models and what have they done to be that way.

The title says it all. Many celebrities are fighting and refuse to be photo-shopped. Some of this celebrities include Keira Knightly, Lorde, Lady Gaga and more. They all agree that imperfections are OK, and taking them away just makes them a different person. Also, they all say it's not natural or good to have this done to a person. This are role models that want their fans to see them as themselves, not some digital cartoon. Well done!

An Australian "plus size" model called Ajay Rochester and former Biggest Loser Australia winner is helping woman everywhere. She has started a campaign or trend to eliminate the term "plus size" in modeling. She says that models are models, and one should not be labeled because they are a bigger size. Not surprising, millions are agreeing with her and have started a Twitter and Instagram trend about it. Also, many models are agreeing and taking pictures of themselves to prove their point. Not only that but woman are posting pictures labeling themselves as "I am a woman". Another step for the perfect beauty standard. Amen!

If you're not aware, there's a new doll who is changing the way we see dolls and ourselves. Meet Lammily, she's a normal 19 year old and the first doll with normal or average proportions. In this article, her commercial is really speaking to us. It literally tells us that everyone has imperfections and we should flaunt them. These things shouldn't affect us in order to be happy or have a good time. You can see the video in the link above.

This article is explaining to us why today's standard is a thing. In other words, it's explaining (like the title says) why is confidence so sexy and beautiful. One should be confident in order to be sexy and beautiful. It explains that when you accept your body you can conquer anything. Also, it gives us tips on how to be confident and love "what our mama gave us". Inspiring and really true, check it out!

Awesome songs and videos!

Hello beautiful reader!

What better way to encourage ourselves than beautiful videos and amazing songs. So, for this post I will be giving to you guys a couple of videos that will give the needed power to believe in yourself. This beauty standard is all about believing in you and be happy. I'll first start with some encouraging videos made by beauty campaigns and information about beauty. Here they are:

Laci Green is an awesome girl who gives information and her opinion, in a comedic way, on basically any topic. On this video she speaks about why is a size 0 is what fashion wants from us girls. Also, this video explains that some stores make clothing smaller or bigger so woman buy more of their clothing. Sadly, this affects our perception of ourselves and makes us want to be a certain way. At the end, she says that confidence will never run our of style and that we should pay no attention to the "number".
If you liked this video, be sure to check out another video from her that talks about why plus size models aren't promoting unhealthy lifestyle (Are Plus Sized Models Unhealthy For Society?)

On this 52 second video we can compare the beauty standard of each time. As we all know, in the past ladies were expected to look a certain way with certain makeup.Just like the picture, in the 40's ladies had to have perfect do's and accessories. In the video, it's revealed that today (2010's) us women are expected to look natural. In order words, we have to look just like we are. Not much makeup, natural non perfect hair and we are expected to be happy, it doesn't matter what race or how you look. Races, but here it's only showing you two? Well, go to the similar videos, and you will see that this channel (CUT video) has one for each race. Don't believe me, check it out!

This one is really interesting to watch since(at least for me) it's a problem for us when it comes to shopping.  This girls are proving to us that we're not copies, and they're all beautiful just the way they are. Just because a size doesn't fit doesn't mean you're not worth it. They also disscuss how tis can affect ones psyqui but that we can't let this get to us. We're all perfect!

I believe of all the Dove's beauty videos, this one is the most powerful. In this social experiment, some women were asked to anonymously to describe themselves to a sketcher. He did exactly what they told them. Then, they were ask to meet a random stranger, who would then anonymously describe the woman to the sketcher. The results were amazing, and the conclution is that we are more beautiful than we think. Our perception of ourself is damaged, we should know how beautiful and awesome we are. Like Dove's hashtag says #WeAreBeautiful. 
When it comes to music about this topic; they're is a wide variety to choose from. Here are some of my favorites:
This amazing song is all what I'm trying to say with this blog. It's a 2014 song that explains to us that we don't have to "try" to be beautiful. We are beautiful and you have to "like you" so you can be beautiful and feel beautiful. Actually, this was one of the songs that inspired this blog. People loved this song so much that they classify it as an "anthem" and they all comment "this is real beauty" and "finally someone said it". It's just plain amazing and I don't have to try to like it to love it. (Get the pun? Haha! Shouldn't have done it.)

Pretty Hurts is a song/campaign by Queen Bee (or normally called Beyoncé). It's powerful message is that it doesn't matter if you're "beautiful" on the outside if you're not happy and proud of yourself. Beauty is not a number on a scale, or how you walk or how you do your hair, it's about loving how you are and being happy. Beyonce represents this with "Beauty" Pageants since most of the girls who participate in them are "physically" beautiful but are broken and empty on the inside. So, we can conclude that pretty hurts, but happiness doesn't.

I bet you weren't expecting this song here. But let's be honest, it has an amazing message about defending who you are and not letting anyone change your happiness and good deeds.My Chemical Romance really did a good job on this song. With a catchy tune, entertaining video and powerful meaning; this song has it all. And as it says; this song is perfect for "Every time that you lose it sing it for the world". 

"And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name'Cause I was only born inside my dreams", this part is amazing. And so is the rest of this song. This rebellious song is telling us that we should forget what people tell us and live happy as we are. That way people will "remember us for centuries". We should keep on fighting with confidence so we can survive.

Oh Demi! (Is it noticeable that I'm a huge fan? Haha!) This song is about "raising" up from your fears and insecurities. You're more powerful than you think, and this song will help you develop that confidence and strength that makes us beautiful.
This classic ballad by Metallica is basically telling us that one should always remember who you are. No matter what circumstances, no matter what people say, we should always be ourselves and proud of that. Simply an amazing song and definitely a classic. 

When a song is called "Secrets", we think it's gonna be cool or dark. Well this song is cool, but not dark at all. The contrary, it shines a light in our lives. The message of this awesome song is that we should stop hiding what we hate about ourselves, and start loving them. And with a catchy and happy tune, this song has it all.

"You don't know you're beautiful" OK, this song may be a little cliché but it is a confidence booster and it's tells us the real beauty standard of today. These boys are telling us girls that by being ourselves and having confidence, that's what makes us beautiful!

Gotta love P!nk! Perfect is a confidence booster that reminds us that it doesn't matter our mistakes we are still "perfect". The video follows a girl with her struggles who decides to be herself and have confidence on herself and her life gets a lot better. She's beautiful and successful, nothing will stop her. But the song isn't intended for herself, but for her most prized achievement, her daughter. 

A rock song that is telling us that we should be free from our insecurieties and the hate sung by Jared Leto? Yes please! This song is about setting free and being confident and moving forward. We should never be held back by our insecurities, it can affect us in many ways. And just like today's standard of beauty; we should accept who we are and be "live our life". 

Just like the last song, this one is about freedom from our insecurities and "fighting" them for our future. This is a big topic in today's beauty and society wants everyone to be set free from those insecurities. We're all beautiful and can accomplish anything, we just have to believe it.

And I'm going to leave it there. They are many, many more songs and videos that helps us understand and be part of this standard of confidence equals beauty. So, comment is you know more or write me at Thanks again!

Plays about society’s real beauty standard

Hello beautiful reader!
 I was searching the internet and was super happy to find two amazing plays that support this blog. Yes, another list post. This is because if you still don´t believe what I´m saying about today´s beauty standard being positive because society chose that we should all accept ourselves and be confident in order to be seen as pretty, then go buy a ticket or google this awesome plays. Lucky for the pretty person who is reading this, and needs a confidence booster; both plays have been made into movies:
·         Hairspray

When it comes to awesome musicals Hairpray has to be pretty high on that list. These play is about: “Tracy Turnblad, an overweight teenager with all the right moves, is obsessed with the Corny Collins Show. Every day after school, she and her best friend Penny run home to watch the show and drool over the hot Link Larkin, much to Tracy's mother Edna's dismay. After one of the stars of the show leaves, Corny Collins holds auditions to see who will be the next person on the Corny Collins show. With all of the help of her friend Seaweed, Tracy makes it on the show, angering the evil dance queen Amber Von Tussle and her mother Velma. Tracy then decides that it's not fair that the black kids can only dance on the Corny Collins Show once a month, and with the help of Seaweed, Link, Penny, Motormouth Maybelle, her father and Edna, she's going to integrate the show.....without denting her 'do!” So, this one says it all that we should accept ourselves just how we are and people will look at you as beautiful and inspirational. Also,with confidence and being a little rebel, we can do whatever we want.

·         Beauty and the Beast

Another classic! This one you may already heard thanks for Disney and their Disney princess Belle. The message of this play I really deep and it explains that the real beauty is in our feelings and how we act. Here´s a synopsis so you can refresh your memory:
               “Based on the smash hit 1991 Disney movie and dating back to a late 18th-century classic French fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast tell the story of Belle, a beautiful and intelligent young woman who feels out of place in her provincial French village. When her father is imprisoned in a mysterious castle, Belle’s attempt to rescue him leads to her capture by the Beast, a grisly and fearsome monster, who was long ago trapped in his gruesome form by an enchantress. The only way for the Beast to become human once again is if he learns to love and be loved in return. There is a time limit, too: once a magical rose loses all of its petals, all hope will be lost and he will stay a Beast forever. The Beast’s enchanted household--populated by such beloved characters as Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and Chip--watch anxiously as Belle and the Beast grow to understand and befriend one another. Their feelings grow ever deeper as the clock ticks and petals continue to fall off the enchanted rose--will they confess their love for one another before it is too late?”
Link of movie:

Stories in Books about Loving yourself!

Hello beautiful reader!
For this post, I am again going to give you some awesome stories or novels about my topic. Like I said in my past post, this will be a list of books you'll love and will encourage you to be more positive and believe in yourself. 
This books are fiction “Young Adults”, but they have a really good moral. All of them have had positive feedback and I personally recommend them for any beautiful woman or man who wants to understand what beauty and being successful is all about. Here they are, top 3 friendly books:
1. The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Kody Keplinger 

Seventeen-year-old Bianca Piper is cynical and loyal, and she doesn’t think she’s the prettiest of her friends by a long shot. She’s also way too smart to fall for the charms of man-slut and slimy school hottie Wesley Rush. In fact, Bianca hates him. Trying to get her attention, Wesley calls her the “DUFF” (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) and gets her mad, but doesn’t lose her confidence and she doesn’t let her that stop her from being happy. Now, thanks for family problems, looking for a distraction she ended up kissing Wesley; and likes it. She then noticed that he actually does care for her and isn’t as she thought he would be. At the same time she proves for everyone else that she isn’t a DUFF and her confidence and peculiarity helps her get through al her problems.
2. All about Vee (Fat girls in LA #1) by C. Leigh Purtill

          This 2008 book is about young Veronica who is a confident and beautiful woman who wants to make it in Hollywood. After a couple of sad tragedies with her family, she decides to go on and make her dream a reality. The only thing is, that she weighs 200 pounds, but that’s not a problem with her. With her confidence she wins Hollywood and the heart of a dream co-worker boy.
1.       Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding 

In this 1996 novel tells us the story of Bridget Jones as a type of diary. Bridget Jones' Diary is the devastatingly self-aware, laugh-out-loud daily chronicle of Bridget's permanent, doomed quest for self-improvement, visit the gym three times a week not just to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult, and learn to program the VCR (Dang, a VCR it’s been a long time since I’ve used one of those. See, this book is even educational for the newer generation). Over the course of the year, Bridget loses a total of 72 pounds but gains a total of 74. She remains, however, optimistic and learns to love herself just the way she is. No one can be perfect, just happy.

If you guys know more books comment below or write me at Thanks again!

Testimonies about today's real beauty standard: Confidence and Self Acceptance

Hello beautiful reader!
Searching the internet I found a couple of testimonies that prove that today’s beauty standard is positive and it’s all about being confident and self-accepting. Most of them are blogs from YouTube, but I also included books about “formulas” and experiences that have made many celebrities reached their confidence, while at the same time, be beautiful. In fact, I believe this is not going to be the only post of lists of uplifting and real videos or books about this topic.
The truth is that while reading or listening these books, I may have cried. Just a little, but I am a crybaby. Anyways, I hope that you lovely reader like this stories and google this books about today’s real beauty standard. Enjoy!
This inspiring video is about how Candy gained her most recognized confidence. She says that she wasn’t always confident, but she developed it by trying new things and moving forward. Everyone has their own “demons” but these ones can be controlled, and that’s what she did. After she gain her confidence, she tells us how she got successful on her career and everyone sees her as beautiful. And she exhorts us that we should do the same thing, it can change your life.

  • ·         Taking more selfies and plus size models helped me get a better body image by Little minds Seeds ( )
This testimony is about how the raise of plus models have helped her be more confident in herself. She tells us that one thing that she’s proud of is that she’s taking more selfies and actually liking them. It’s not a physical thing, but a mental state. That’s why confidence and self-acceptance is beauty. She’s a clear example of this. (She also has a blog so check it out at

This one is a recording of the Today’s show in 2011, they are interviewing super plus size model Lizzi Miller when she did the super famous “nude” picture for Glamour. What we see here is many testimonies and the positive response this pictures or articles have accomplished. Women are feeling more confident and, therefore, happier. They prove this and remember us that it’s normal to have insecurities but those can’t control your life. We’re beautiful just the way we are. Also, the magazine Glamour has decided to continue integrating every type of body in their magazine since that’s what the people wants and finds beautiful, and they have kept their promise.

This book dear reader is a must have on your collection. I recommend it to anyone. It’s funny, and filled with tips about how to learn to love your flaws and stories about how the amazingly talented Amy Poehler got to be who she is. In a humorous way, she tells us that confidence is the key of everything and it’s what makes us awesome and beautiful.

This book was made by Demi Lovato. May I repeat Demi freaking Lovato, she’s such an inspiration and one of the biggest examples of how self acceptance and confidence is what makes us beautiful and successful (big fan!). This book is about how to accomplish that life key and testimonies about the own Lovato of how the past affected her and now she’s a “warrior”. It works like a diary with tips and tricks on how to do this, and one should read a page or mini chapter daily for 365 days.
If you guys know of more testimonies of have one of your own, I would love to hear them. So comment below or write me at Thanks again!

Emails and Sometimes Glam´s answer

Hello beautiful reader!

So, I´ve been doing really risky moves over the past months; I decided to email many professional models and bloggers about my topic. It was a little hard for me since many of the ones I sent them to are y role models. One of them is the beautiful Nadia Aboulhosn and the blogger Sometimes Glam.


Nadia Aboulhosn and Sometimes Glam

Here are my "professional" emails to both models:

Princesa A. Santiago or


January 28, 2015

Nadia Aboulhosn

Dear Ms. Nadia Aboulhosn;

My name is Princesa A. Santiago. I’m a 16 year old student at University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. I address to you to speak about how today’s beauty standards are helping society. It is known that you’re a model and a clear example of a current “beauty standard”; that’s why I think you should recognize this.

As a future teacher, I would like people to realize how things are changing and everyone is being accepted. It’s making young girls and boys feel better about themselves, therefore more confident. Also, as a former insecure teenager myself, I can say that the healthier and more accepting standard of today has helped me feel beautiful and brave. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and currently this is the current theme or “standard” for magazines, fashion and, overall, the media.

I sent this to you, since you’re currently a fashion blogger and model. It would be great help if you could share this so people would know that there is a change going on, and that the “beauty standard” of today is actually about accepting ourselves. I think models, but especially you, can show this since you guys are today’s standards and that you're healthy, beautiful and, more important, confident.

Thank you for your attention. Also, I praise you for the lives you have saved by being confident and a representation of present beauty.


Princesa Anaily Santiago Fontánez

Another one:

Princesa A. Santiago or

February 9, 2015 

Crystal Coons

Dear Ms. Crystal Coons; 
        My name is Princesa A. Santiago. I’m a 16 year old student at University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. I address to you to speak about how today’s beauty standards are helping society. It is known that you’re a fashion blogger and model, so you know a lot about this topic.
       Let me explain myself. As a future teacher, I would like people to realize how things are changing and everyone is being accepted. It’s making young girls and boys feel better about themselves, therefore more confident. Also, as a former insecure teenager myself, I can say that the healthier and more accepting standard of today has helped me feel beautiful and brave. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and currently this is the current theme or “standard” for magazines, fashion and, overall, the media. Plus girls and boys are being accepted and fashionable. 
           Also, we are thought by society to be beautiful, and even the media says it. Vogue stated that "no more under weight or models with an eating disorder", so that means that there's a change. And a "standard" is something “something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison”, so if blogs, magazines, television, social media and society as a whole is thinking that beauty is being healthy and confident, then today's beauty standard is confidence and health. If you're mind and body is healthy, then you're beautiful and ideal.
          I sent this to you, since you’re currently a fashion blogger, model and example of today’s fashion. It would be great help if you share with me your opinions so I can defend that there is a change going on, and that the “beauty standard” of today is actually about accepting ourselves. Also, if you could tell me what you think of my topic and share experiences of how today's fashion has helped you to be the confident and beautiful woman that you are today, that'd be a lot better.

                              Thank you for your attention. Also, I praise you for the lives you have saved by being confident and a representation of present beauty. 


Princesa Anaily Santiago Fontánez

The thing is that Nadia hasn´t answered, but Coons did! She said that: 
"Thanks for writing me! I appreciate you thinking of me.

I think the main thing is that fashion is a tool you can use to shape your life. Think of how we look at people and how what they wear make us feel a certain way - a uniform makes us feel like we can trust the person in it. A suit makes people feel capable, strong. A flowy dress makes people feel soft, romantic... By making a conscious choice to dress in a way that potrays to the world that you are the person you want to be - over time, you can become that person. It's a kind of fake it till you make it thing. Before you realize it, you're the person you always dreamed of being. But being confident is something that will never run out of style, so that is what we have to aim for.
Hope this helps!"

Id did Mrs. Coon, it did. Yay!

Awesome new advertisement!

Hello beautiful reader!
Ok, so I´m really excited to show this masterpiece of an advertisement "poster" for my blog.I´m planning of posting it on social media so more people can read about this fascinating and real topic. But, I want to know what do you guys think of it.  Is it good? Does it need improvement? Let me know!

Beauty Redefined

Hello beautiful reader!
Since this blog is about disscussing how today´s beauty standard is to accept yourself and be confident, well I´m know that this is not easy to accomplish. I´m still working on achieving this today, but know the importance of being confident and proud of myself has changed my life in the best way possible. So, I found a great organization that can help us be confident and know our self worth. And this awesome organization is called Beauty Redifined.

This organization was created by the doctors and identical twins Lindsay Kite and Lexie Kite. While studying the media they noticed how these images were affecting women. They were fighting and wanting to become something that it was impossible to achieve. They got together and started out a nonprofit organization that aims to educate and make people know how much they´re worth and to realize that they are beautiful and shouldn´t be comparing themselves to the images seen in fashion shows or magazines. With the help of social media and powerful quotes by celebrities, these ladies have conquered the hearts and minds of many women and males. They describe their good deed as: “Beauty Redefined is all about rethinking our ideas of “beautiful” and “healthy” that we’ve likely learned from for-profit media that thrives off female insecurity. Girls and women who feel OK about their bodies (meaning they aren’t “disgusted” with them like more than half of women today) and take better care of themselves.”
The twins Lindsay Kite and Lexie Kite

On these conferences they teach women to reject the effects of the fashion industry and to feel comfortable in their own skin. Also, giving “girl power” motivation making the participants remember that women should be respected and never thrown or pushed around. The ones that give the conferences are the very own creators who give in a humouros way a 60 minutes presentation and helps us understand their message. Now, this whole organization survives on volunteers and donations, indeed it’s nonprofit. In USA, these conferences are a huge success and they have helped much more than a thousand women and teenager to be happy and beautiful just the way they are. Clearly a great representation of today´s view or standard of beauty for society, confidence and self-accepting is beautiful; all you have to do is believe it.

Here´s contact information so you guys can check them out:

10 friendly blogs

Hello beautiful reader!
While searching on the internet I found a couple of blogs that you should check out if you like this topic of beauty and the real beauty standard of today. They´re all discussing the same thing, selfacceptance and confidence is today´s real beauty. So, here they are 10 Friendly Blogs:
  • 1.      Weightless (“Weightless is about fostering a fulfilling body image and life, at any shape and size. It’s about well-being, not weight.”)
  • 2.      Dr. Deah´s body shop (“Dr. Deah’s Body Shop promotes: Self-acceptance, Living a healthy life at the size you are now in THIS moment, Resources for treating eating disorders and improving body acceptance, Health at Every Size®, and fighting size discrimination cause you´re beautiful!”)
  • 3.      About-Face Blog (“About-Face means a reversal of direction, attitude, or point of view. We equip women & girls with tools to understand & resist harmful media messages that affect their self-esteem & body image.”)
  • 4.      The Full Belly (“The Full Belly is a collection of resources, exercises, experiments, new ideas, links, and whatever else I can create or find all designed to help you stop struggling with your weight, shape, and food choices, learn to accept your body, just as it is today, and begin moving bravely towards your biggest values and dreams.”)
  • 5.      Stop Hating your Body (“This is a place of encouragement, a place to discuss body image, insecurities, self-esteem, and everything under the umbrella of fighting self-hate and finding self-love.”)
  • 6.      His Black Dress (“I am a cosplaying fatshionista sabotaging social perceptions of what men should and shouldn't wear.”)
  • 7.      Fuck Yeah Body Love (A place for body acceptance. Please submit stories, photographs, links, and whatever else you wish. Just keep it body positive. Everyone is allowed.)
  • 8.      The In-between girls (“So here I am in between sizes, Shorts for regular women are too small and shorts for curvy women are too big.  What about us in between women that aren’t recognized by the Retail Gods? we just have to make do with what is available and what we got but I can look fabulous; just like you.”)
  • 9.      Sometimes Glam (“Phoenix-based, jet-setting plus size fashionista, blogger, photographer, model, entrepreneur, body loving,  tea-obsessed lady. It's so great to meet you!”)
  • 10.  The Beheld (“The goal of this blog is to foster a larger conversation about beauty and what it means. I'd love for you to be a part of that conversation.”)

Question about Topic

Hello beautiful reader! So, I presented my topic on my class and the profssor asked me: "How can you stand by the positive impact of today´s beauty standards when people are willing to change all they are to meet the standards set by society?" So here´s is my answer...

I can stand by the positive impact since today´s beauty standards are different than what we know as a “beauty standard”. In the past, Fashion Standard and Beauty Standard were the same time, while now that has, thankfully, changed. It´s a fact that today everyone is telling us to be confident and be happy in our own skin in order to be beautiful. This is proved by social media, the many blogs about this, what professionals are helping us do and the raise of plus size and petite models like Nadia Aboulhosn and Tess Mounter. Another fact is that in the 90´s “beauty campaigns” were held by fashion magazines with models like Kate Moss telling us that we had to look like that. But today many organizations are raising and doing these campaigns and they all have the same conclusion; confidence and self-accepting is the real beauty of society.
When it comes to the movie “The Devil Wears Prada”, it clearly represents what I´m saying. The scene “the interview” it shows that confidence and knowing who you are can get you anywhere. Another scene called “the belts” represents that fashion and beauty is not the same thing. Beauty is what Andy (Anne Hathaway) sees as identical and ugly belts while Miranda (Meryll Streep) represents the fashion that sees the belts as completely different pieces of art. The girl, Andy, represents what society should do and this is shown in the end where she lets herself free and becomes more confident and follows her happiness. So this movie is showing us that we should follow what she did and be confident and self-confident on who you are to be successful and beautiful, a standard.  (Check my last post for more detail)

What´s incredible and positive of today´s standard is that it´s telling us that we shouldn´t change anything. We only have to be proud of ourselves because we´re beautiful just the way we are. It is known that this has helped reduce suicide and eating problems around the world. So I stand by the positive impact of today´s beauty standards because they are telling us to be happy. And if that´s not positive, then no one knows what positive is.