Hello beautiful reader!
Some people been asking me for proof about the change of how we see "beauty". I can understand this because this change was really fast and came with the rise of plus models. So, I decided to give you some links of 5 amazing articles (all recent) about today's real beauty standard. So, again, here they are:
In this article their talking about how plus models are raising and changing the way we see beauty. Since Kate Moss, all models have been the same. Thin, tall, and long legs, but the beauty of this "plus" models is that they're all different. No model is the same than the other, and people love that. So much that they have become famous almost overnight. They also give us some information about the most popular models and what have they done to be that way.
The title says it all. Many celebrities are fighting and refuse to be photo-shopped. Some of this celebrities include Keira Knightly, Lorde, Lady Gaga and more. They all agree that imperfections are OK, and taking them away just makes them a different person. Also, they all say it's not natural or good to have this done to a person. This are role models that want their fans to see them as themselves, not some digital cartoon. Well done!
An Australian "plus size" model called Ajay Rochester and former Biggest Loser Australia winner is helping woman everywhere. She has started a campaign or trend to eliminate the term "plus size" in modeling. She says that models are models, and one should not be labeled because they are a bigger size. Not surprising, millions are agreeing with her and have started a Twitter and Instagram trend about it. Also, many models are agreeing and taking pictures of themselves to prove their point. Not only that but woman are posting pictures labeling themselves as "I am a woman". Another step for the perfect beauty standard. Amen!
If you're not aware, there's a new doll who is changing the way we see dolls and ourselves. Meet Lammily, she's a normal 19 year old and the first doll with normal or average proportions. In this article, her commercial is really speaking to us. It literally tells us that everyone has imperfections and we should flaunt them. These things shouldn't affect us in order to be happy or have a good time. You can see the video in the link above.
This article is explaining to us why today's standard is a thing. In other words, it's explaining (like the title says) why is confidence so sexy and beautiful. One should be confident in order to be sexy and beautiful. It explains that when you accept your body you can conquer anything. Also, it gives us tips on how to be confident and love "what our mama gave us". Inspiring and really true, check it out!
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