While searching on the internet I found a couple of blogs that you should check out if you like this topic of beauty and the real beauty standard of today. They´re all discussing the same thing, selfacceptance and confidence is today´s real beauty. So, here they are 10 Friendly Blogs:
- 1. Weightless http://blogs.psychcentral.com/weightless/ (“Weightless is about fostering a fulfilling body image and life, at any shape and size. It’s about well-being, not weight.”)
- 2. Dr. Deah´s body shop http://www.drdeah.com/ (“Dr. Deah’s Body Shop promotes: Self-acceptance, Living a healthy life at the size you are now in THIS moment, Resources for treating eating disorders and improving body acceptance, Health at Every Size®, and fighting size discrimination cause you´re beautiful!”)
- 3. About-Face Blog http://www.about-face.org/category/about-face-blog/ (“About-Face means a reversal of direction, attitude, or point of view. We equip women & girls with tools to understand & resist harmful media messages that affect their self-esteem & body image.”)
- 4. The Full Belly https://thefullybelly.wordpress.com/ (“The Full Belly is a collection of resources, exercises, experiments, new ideas, links, and whatever else I can create or find all designed to help you stop struggling with your weight, shape, and food choices, learn to accept your body, just as it is today, and begin moving bravely towards your biggest values and dreams.”)
- 5. Stop Hating your Body http://stophatingyourbody.tumblr.com/ (“This is a place of encouragement, a place to discuss body image, insecurities, self-esteem, and everything under the umbrella of fighting self-hate and finding self-love.”)
- 6. His Black Dress http://hisblackdress.tumblr.com/ (“I am a cosplaying fatshionista sabotaging social perceptions of what men should and shouldn't wear.”)
- 7. Fuck Yeah Body Love http://fuckyeahbodylove.tumblr.com/ (A place for body acceptance. Please submit stories, photographs, links, and whatever else you wish. Just keep it body positive. Everyone is allowed.)
- 8. The In-between girls http://theinbetweengirls.com/ (“So here I am in between sizes, Shorts for regular women are too small and shorts for curvy women are too big. What about us in between women that aren’t recognized by the Retail Gods? we just have to make do with what is available and what we got but I can look fabulous; just like you.”)
- 9. Sometimes Glam http://sometimesglam.com/ (“Phoenix-based, jet-setting plus size fashionista, blogger, photographer, model, entrepreneur, body loving, tea-obsessed lady. It's so great to meet you!”)
- 10. The Beheld http://www.the-beheld.com/ (“The goal of this blog is to foster a larger conversation about beauty and what it means. I'd love for you to be a part of that conversation.”)
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