Sunday, March 29, 2015

Awesome songs and videos!

Hello beautiful reader!

What better way to encourage ourselves than beautiful videos and amazing songs. So, for this post I will be giving to you guys a couple of videos that will give the needed power to believe in yourself. This beauty standard is all about believing in you and be happy. I'll first start with some encouraging videos made by beauty campaigns and information about beauty. Here they are:

Laci Green is an awesome girl who gives information and her opinion, in a comedic way, on basically any topic. On this video she speaks about why is a size 0 is what fashion wants from us girls. Also, this video explains that some stores make clothing smaller or bigger so woman buy more of their clothing. Sadly, this affects our perception of ourselves and makes us want to be a certain way. At the end, she says that confidence will never run our of style and that we should pay no attention to the "number".
If you liked this video, be sure to check out another video from her that talks about why plus size models aren't promoting unhealthy lifestyle (Are Plus Sized Models Unhealthy For Society?)

On this 52 second video we can compare the beauty standard of each time. As we all know, in the past ladies were expected to look a certain way with certain makeup.Just like the picture, in the 40's ladies had to have perfect do's and accessories. In the video, it's revealed that today (2010's) us women are expected to look natural. In order words, we have to look just like we are. Not much makeup, natural non perfect hair and we are expected to be happy, it doesn't matter what race or how you look. Races, but here it's only showing you two? Well, go to the similar videos, and you will see that this channel (CUT video) has one for each race. Don't believe me, check it out!

This one is really interesting to watch since(at least for me) it's a problem for us when it comes to shopping.  This girls are proving to us that we're not copies, and they're all beautiful just the way they are. Just because a size doesn't fit doesn't mean you're not worth it. They also disscuss how tis can affect ones psyqui but that we can't let this get to us. We're all perfect!

I believe of all the Dove's beauty videos, this one is the most powerful. In this social experiment, some women were asked to anonymously to describe themselves to a sketcher. He did exactly what they told them. Then, they were ask to meet a random stranger, who would then anonymously describe the woman to the sketcher. The results were amazing, and the conclution is that we are more beautiful than we think. Our perception of ourself is damaged, we should know how beautiful and awesome we are. Like Dove's hashtag says #WeAreBeautiful. 
When it comes to music about this topic; they're is a wide variety to choose from. Here are some of my favorites:
This amazing song is all what I'm trying to say with this blog. It's a 2014 song that explains to us that we don't have to "try" to be beautiful. We are beautiful and you have to "like you" so you can be beautiful and feel beautiful. Actually, this was one of the songs that inspired this blog. People loved this song so much that they classify it as an "anthem" and they all comment "this is real beauty" and "finally someone said it". It's just plain amazing and I don't have to try to like it to love it. (Get the pun? Haha! Shouldn't have done it.)

Pretty Hurts is a song/campaign by Queen Bee (or normally called Beyoncé). It's powerful message is that it doesn't matter if you're "beautiful" on the outside if you're not happy and proud of yourself. Beauty is not a number on a scale, or how you walk or how you do your hair, it's about loving how you are and being happy. Beyonce represents this with "Beauty" Pageants since most of the girls who participate in them are "physically" beautiful but are broken and empty on the inside. So, we can conclude that pretty hurts, but happiness doesn't.

I bet you weren't expecting this song here. But let's be honest, it has an amazing message about defending who you are and not letting anyone change your happiness and good deeds.My Chemical Romance really did a good job on this song. With a catchy tune, entertaining video and powerful meaning; this song has it all. And as it says; this song is perfect for "Every time that you lose it sing it for the world". 

"And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name'Cause I was only born inside my dreams", this part is amazing. And so is the rest of this song. This rebellious song is telling us that we should forget what people tell us and live happy as we are. That way people will "remember us for centuries". We should keep on fighting with confidence so we can survive.

Oh Demi! (Is it noticeable that I'm a huge fan? Haha!) This song is about "raising" up from your fears and insecurities. You're more powerful than you think, and this song will help you develop that confidence and strength that makes us beautiful.
This classic ballad by Metallica is basically telling us that one should always remember who you are. No matter what circumstances, no matter what people say, we should always be ourselves and proud of that. Simply an amazing song and definitely a classic. 

When a song is called "Secrets", we think it's gonna be cool or dark. Well this song is cool, but not dark at all. The contrary, it shines a light in our lives. The message of this awesome song is that we should stop hiding what we hate about ourselves, and start loving them. And with a catchy and happy tune, this song has it all.

"You don't know you're beautiful" OK, this song may be a little cliché but it is a confidence booster and it's tells us the real beauty standard of today. These boys are telling us girls that by being ourselves and having confidence, that's what makes us beautiful!

Gotta love P!nk! Perfect is a confidence booster that reminds us that it doesn't matter our mistakes we are still "perfect". The video follows a girl with her struggles who decides to be herself and have confidence on herself and her life gets a lot better. She's beautiful and successful, nothing will stop her. But the song isn't intended for herself, but for her most prized achievement, her daughter. 

A rock song that is telling us that we should be free from our insecurieties and the hate sung by Jared Leto? Yes please! This song is about setting free and being confident and moving forward. We should never be held back by our insecurities, it can affect us in many ways. And just like today's standard of beauty; we should accept who we are and be "live our life". 

Just like the last song, this one is about freedom from our insecurities and "fighting" them for our future. This is a big topic in today's beauty and society wants everyone to be set free from those insecurities. We're all beautiful and can accomplish anything, we just have to believe it.

And I'm going to leave it there. They are many, many more songs and videos that helps us understand and be part of this standard of confidence equals beauty. So, comment is you know more or write me at Thanks again!

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