Sunday, March 29, 2015

Emails and Sometimes Glam´s answer

Hello beautiful reader!

So, I´ve been doing really risky moves over the past months; I decided to email many professional models and bloggers about my topic. It was a little hard for me since many of the ones I sent them to are y role models. One of them is the beautiful Nadia Aboulhosn and the blogger Sometimes Glam.


Nadia Aboulhosn and Sometimes Glam

Here are my "professional" emails to both models:

Princesa A. Santiago or


January 28, 2015

Nadia Aboulhosn

Dear Ms. Nadia Aboulhosn;

My name is Princesa A. Santiago. I’m a 16 year old student at University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. I address to you to speak about how today’s beauty standards are helping society. It is known that you’re a model and a clear example of a current “beauty standard”; that’s why I think you should recognize this.

As a future teacher, I would like people to realize how things are changing and everyone is being accepted. It’s making young girls and boys feel better about themselves, therefore more confident. Also, as a former insecure teenager myself, I can say that the healthier and more accepting standard of today has helped me feel beautiful and brave. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and currently this is the current theme or “standard” for magazines, fashion and, overall, the media.

I sent this to you, since you’re currently a fashion blogger and model. It would be great help if you could share this so people would know that there is a change going on, and that the “beauty standard” of today is actually about accepting ourselves. I think models, but especially you, can show this since you guys are today’s standards and that you're healthy, beautiful and, more important, confident.

Thank you for your attention. Also, I praise you for the lives you have saved by being confident and a representation of present beauty.


Princesa Anaily Santiago Fontánez

Another one:

Princesa A. Santiago or

February 9, 2015 

Crystal Coons

Dear Ms. Crystal Coons; 
        My name is Princesa A. Santiago. I’m a 16 year old student at University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. I address to you to speak about how today’s beauty standards are helping society. It is known that you’re a fashion blogger and model, so you know a lot about this topic.
       Let me explain myself. As a future teacher, I would like people to realize how things are changing and everyone is being accepted. It’s making young girls and boys feel better about themselves, therefore more confident. Also, as a former insecure teenager myself, I can say that the healthier and more accepting standard of today has helped me feel beautiful and brave. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and currently this is the current theme or “standard” for magazines, fashion and, overall, the media. Plus girls and boys are being accepted and fashionable. 
           Also, we are thought by society to be beautiful, and even the media says it. Vogue stated that "no more under weight or models with an eating disorder", so that means that there's a change. And a "standard" is something “something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison”, so if blogs, magazines, television, social media and society as a whole is thinking that beauty is being healthy and confident, then today's beauty standard is confidence and health. If you're mind and body is healthy, then you're beautiful and ideal.
          I sent this to you, since you’re currently a fashion blogger, model and example of today’s fashion. It would be great help if you share with me your opinions so I can defend that there is a change going on, and that the “beauty standard” of today is actually about accepting ourselves. Also, if you could tell me what you think of my topic and share experiences of how today's fashion has helped you to be the confident and beautiful woman that you are today, that'd be a lot better.

                              Thank you for your attention. Also, I praise you for the lives you have saved by being confident and a representation of present beauty. 


Princesa Anaily Santiago Fontánez

The thing is that Nadia hasn´t answered, but Coons did! She said that: 
"Thanks for writing me! I appreciate you thinking of me.

I think the main thing is that fashion is a tool you can use to shape your life. Think of how we look at people and how what they wear make us feel a certain way - a uniform makes us feel like we can trust the person in it. A suit makes people feel capable, strong. A flowy dress makes people feel soft, romantic... By making a conscious choice to dress in a way that potrays to the world that you are the person you want to be - over time, you can become that person. It's a kind of fake it till you make it thing. Before you realize it, you're the person you always dreamed of being. But being confident is something that will never run out of style, so that is what we have to aim for.
Hope this helps!"

Id did Mrs. Coon, it did. Yay!

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