Sunday, March 29, 2015

Beauty Redefined

Hello beautiful reader!
Since this blog is about disscussing how today´s beauty standard is to accept yourself and be confident, well I´m know that this is not easy to accomplish. I´m still working on achieving this today, but know the importance of being confident and proud of myself has changed my life in the best way possible. So, I found a great organization that can help us be confident and know our self worth. And this awesome organization is called Beauty Redifined.

This organization was created by the doctors and identical twins Lindsay Kite and Lexie Kite. While studying the media they noticed how these images were affecting women. They were fighting and wanting to become something that it was impossible to achieve. They got together and started out a nonprofit organization that aims to educate and make people know how much they´re worth and to realize that they are beautiful and shouldn´t be comparing themselves to the images seen in fashion shows or magazines. With the help of social media and powerful quotes by celebrities, these ladies have conquered the hearts and minds of many women and males. They describe their good deed as: “Beauty Redefined is all about rethinking our ideas of “beautiful” and “healthy” that we’ve likely learned from for-profit media that thrives off female insecurity. Girls and women who feel OK about their bodies (meaning they aren’t “disgusted” with them like more than half of women today) and take better care of themselves.”
The twins Lindsay Kite and Lexie Kite

On these conferences they teach women to reject the effects of the fashion industry and to feel comfortable in their own skin. Also, giving “girl power” motivation making the participants remember that women should be respected and never thrown or pushed around. The ones that give the conferences are the very own creators who give in a humouros way a 60 minutes presentation and helps us understand their message. Now, this whole organization survives on volunteers and donations, indeed it’s nonprofit. In USA, these conferences are a huge success and they have helped much more than a thousand women and teenager to be happy and beautiful just the way they are. Clearly a great representation of today´s view or standard of beauty for society, confidence and self-accepting is beautiful; all you have to do is believe it.

Here´s contact information so you guys can check them out:

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